OKC Storm Program Code of Conduct
By allowing my child to participate with the OKC Storm, I will be involved in the following ways:
-I will ensure my child is home-educated and he/she is passing. If my child does not maintain a satisfactory level, I will notify the coach or athletic director.
– I will encourage my child to abide by the team rules and program guidelines (see Athlete’s Code of Conduct).
– I will remain under control at all events.
– I will not yell at my child, Storm players or coaches, or the opposing players, coaches, or parents.
– I will abide by the Storm program appeal process: If I have an issue with an individual, I will go to that person seeking resolution. If we are not able to resolve this issue, I will speak with the individual and Storm Athletic Director together. If we are still not able to resolve this issue, I will speak with the individual, Storm Athletic Director, and Storm Board together.
OKC Storm Athletes’ Code of Conduct
I agree to the following program rules:
– I will listen to the instruction of my coaches.
– I will attend all practices and games.
– I will show self-control by not participating in the use of profane language, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
– I will keep my focus on basketball and avoid pairing off with a person of the opposite sex during all trips, practices, and games. I will follow the rules established by my team.
– No jewelry will be worn during practice or games I will maintain a clean-cut appearance and will be responsible for my social media accounts(any posts, tweets, retweets or any other forms of social media with questionable content a play will be disciplined and possible suspension from the program).
We have Coaches certified in Drug and Alcohol Recognition training:
1. This allows trained coaches to request a drug test within the law.
2. This also allows for testing under reasonable suspicion, along with random testing (see #5)
3. If a test is requested player’s parents would have 24 hours to get the player tested at Selectforce. Failure to do so is considered a failed test.
4. If player refuses to take the test, that is considered a failed test.
5. Random tests for Jr High and High School kids can and may be requested anytime during the season of any OKC Storm sports offered. These test will be paid for by the OKC Storm Program.
6. If a player was to come forward and confess to drug use there would be a 30 day suspension.
7. If a player is caught (including failed test) there would be a 90 day suspension.
8. In a case of a suspension the Athletic Director, coach, player and parents would meet immediately to determine the best course of action. During the suspension the player may be required to be away from the team or may be required to continuing practicing with the team, attend games and sit on the bench in street clothes. While we will have No Tolerance during the suspension length and the actual working out of the terms of the suspension will vary based on the situation. If the offense is before the first game of the season, the 30 or 90 day suspension will start on the date of the teams first regular season game. The goal will always be restoration while working with the parents and protecting team mates.
9. Before the player would be eligible to return to the team in full capacity the player would:
A. Have to pass a drug test.
B. Meet with the Advisory Board (with parents)
10. After the suspension parents, coach and board would have to agree player the player should rejoin the team. Completing suspension is not automatic qualification.
11. 2nd offense is lifetime suspension.
Drug testing facility:
Selectforce Inc
200 NW 66th St # 972
Oklahoma City, OK
(405) 842-2088
5 panel test – $20.00
9 panel test – $25.00